In ancient times the capacity to memorise was a prized talent. Entire cultures were passed down over the centuries by those who remembered and retained the stories, history, legends, and regulations, laws and cultures.

The arrival of the printing press launched a new era of “looking things up.” The days, the Internet with its various search engines may appear to make memorisation irrelevant in the modern world.

But is this really true? The last time we check test and examinations taken by students as well as adult still require memorisation.

Schools all over the world have abandoned expecting students to memorise poems and speeches. A growing contempt for memorisation appeared among the other intellectually damaging consequences of post-modernism.

Presently the stress in education is on new math, play and critical thinking. There is nothing incorrect with this new importance, except that they come at the cost of children learning the mental discipline of memorisation.

Teachers and academic professionals agree that today’s schoolchildren are more mentally lazy than those in the past.

The one inarguable outcome of sharpening memorisation skills is that the mentally lazy cannot succeed academically and professionally in the future.

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